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∵ Mari-chan ∴ 2021-05-19 ∞ 2'
The discussion here follows the article: Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization
Surveillance capitalism is the new business model that emerged with the possibility to collect and analyze big data. This model is practiced by various different companies but the most impactful one are put in use by tech giants like google, facebook, alibaba, etc.. It's a form of intruding people's privacy, erasing the barrier between personal life and public life, transforming their complex behaviors in scattered data in a graph, obscuring their individualities in order to sell them products or ideologies. Surveillance capitalism can be as "harmless" and helpful as showing you ads for dog food in the exact moment when yours seems to be close to run out, or menstrual pads when you're about to have your period. They could also show you ads about that cool new game you've just talked about with your friend but never really typed about in any device. They could also abuse your psychological issues and illness in order to sell you products. They could also target specific cultural groups and show them specific lies to change the outcome of elections and shape our world in incredible ways.
some extra issues:
some solutions: